
Examples Of Envy In The Crucible

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Salem is not what it appears to the naked eye; dishonest children accuse and condemn the innocent to swing on the gallows. The Crucible, a tragedy by Arthur Miller symbolizes the Communist trials. The reputation of Salem at the time is that no one is safe; anyone can be a witch in their eyes in order for their own benefit of freedom. Truth can stand on its own against any circumstance. Such as John Proctor stands up against Abigail for the troubles she is causing. In the same way it is almost impossible to be an outlaw to this way because of the substantial consequences if you are not just like society. This ultimately brings out the darkness in Salem. Due to envy, revenge, and lies this town is chaotic, with no clear leadership or justice. …show more content…

Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth Proctor. She is willing to do whatever it takes, even lie and take a life. “She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me! She is a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her! Let her turn you like a—” (Miller 202). Abigail shows how strongly she feels that Elizabeth is a wicked woman. Although in the village, she has a spotless reputation. This shows how Abigail longs for that same reputation because of her troubled past. Another example of how envy is shown is in Thomas Putnam. He is a landowner who is never satisfied. He is always out to get the next best land and steal it from others. Parallel to Abigail he is willing to do whatever it takes for land. This tension between the townspeople leads to blaming others and lying to get whatever they wanted. All this leads to is negativity and them wanting to get their …show more content…

Unfortunately in the community this is not apparent. Revenge is not even a sin anymore it is a lifestyle for them. There is no holding anyone back from believing anything because the ones in charge are so gullible. Elizabeth Proctor wants to get revenge on Abigail for the incident with John Proctor. Therefore she kicks Elizabeth out of the house and ruins her reputation in the town. “John, I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! Suspicion kissed you when I did; I never knew how I should say my love. It were a cold house I kept” (Miller 214). Elizabeth opens up and shows how she wanted revenge on Abigail while she was sick because of John and Abigail’s relationship. Meanwhile this leads back around to Abigail now wanting to get revenge. In addition she accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft subsequently leading to her being thrown in prison. In the same way Parris wants revenge on John Proctor. This comes from how he is accusing Abigail of lying about the trials and he never wanted Parris to be nominated for the Pastor of the Church. Ultimately Parris gets revenge on Proctor by pleading to the court to hang Proctor. This power of lying and getting whatever you want furthermore leads to power lust. Lust and greed are more believable than innocence. Abigail the master of the court with lies, death, and control in her hand. Abigail discovers how she can get anything with lying. Once she

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