
Examples Of Entertainment In The 1930's

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Entertainment in the 1930’s The 1930’s brought new forms of entertainment, most of which are still relevant today, but with incredible upgrades. During the Great Depression, people had to find ways to keep themselves busy, and keep themselves distracted from the hard life they were living. They wanted to keep away from dealing with the harsh reality of things. Many forms of entertainment became popular, such as baseball, football, movies, and the radio, and still thrive today, but with less of a “blast from the past” look, because they are all constantly changing. During the Great Depression, life was brutal, and people struggled to provide necessities. Life was so rough, even the stronger, and tougher of people, sometimes broke down. Parents had to find new jobs and/or another job to make more money. Even the kids had to find jobs to help provide for the family (“Life during the Great Depression”). Some people were at such a lack of money that they didn’t have …show more content…

Kids, and even parents, got very creative in making the most of what they had to entertain themselves. If they wanted music, they would make their own “instruments”, such as the washboard, or milk jugs. If kids wanted toys, they often made toys themselves. For example, some kids, just like some little boys with imagination do today, made bows and arrows out of tree branches. Some little boys back then often used old shingles to make arrows (Reinhardt). If they wanted extensive entertainment, kids had to be super creative. Due to most families having the threat of being evicted, parents made up the “eviction game”, where kids would practice quickly packing their stuff and “move out”. On farms, some kids even helped bale hay during season because to kids, it was just thought of as a hayrack ride (“Life During the Great Depression”). This was the typical life of kids during the Great

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