
Examples Of Delusions In The Tell Tale Heart

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Certain type of people have delusions. These could be a delusion of grandeur, a delusion of popularity, or a delusion that something might be wrong with them. The reader may even have a few lying beneath the surface; waiting to come out and play. These delusions are usually simple things that hardly affect the way we perceive the world, and they are often written off as overthinking and simply ignored by the person having them. However, some let their delusions take ahold of their very being. The character in “The Tell-Tale Heart” is driven by their delusions to commit a heinous crime, and they are almost able to get away with it due to their patience and deceitfulness.
Delusions are the main motive to the characters murder of the old man, because he does not want to murder the old man, not the old man. He wants to murder the gentleman’s eye. To him, the old man’s eye was “ the eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terrible birds that watch and wait while and animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body to pull it to pieces and eat it.” This very sentence shows his delusion, for what type of character plans to murder an eye? In addition, he also has the delusion that he is not insane, which drives his pridefulness. He beseeches the reader to take his side, stating that “Can you not see …show more content…

It shows part of his insanity and psychopathy. In the text, the character states that, “During all that week I was as friendly to the old man as i could be, and warm, and loving.” Later that same week, he murders the old man, and he chops up the old man’s body to hide it in the floorboards. In addition, when the police officers come to his house, he treats them politely and with courtesy. This evidence shows the mindset that most people who can get away with murder have, and the ability to be two-faced that allows them to walk among us once the deed is

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