
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In this scene from Night by Elie Wiesel, The Gleiwitz concentration camp prisoners are being moved to another camp in roofless cattle cars. No food or water was given on the journey so when bread was thrown into the wagon the men adapted animalistic behavior and fought for the bread resulting in the death of a father and son. Throughout the scene, Wiesel proves that starvation results in the further dehumanization of the oppressed. The consequences of starvation affect everyone negatively. All of the men in the wagon are affected by the men brawling for bread even if they did not partake in the fighting. Wiesel explains that "Where the bread had landed, a battle had ensued...Beasts of prey unleashed animal hate in their eyes" (Wiesel 101). The …show more content…

Fighting for the bread is like fighting for hope because throughout the book the men begin to value bread more than life. When the starving men value bread more than life it removes them from humanity. Meanwhile an audience is forming to watch the battle for bread begin between man and animal. The workmen stopped for a reason, "They had undoubtedly never seen a train with this kind of cargo" (Wiesel 101). The allusion to cattle cars that transport the Jews symbolize the descent into animalistic behavior. Every time that the men get on the cattle cars they experience more and more dehumanization and oppression from the Nazi regime. In this case once the get on the wagon they are treated like animals that are being gawked at based on their staving appearance. Just as the cattle cars dehumanize the Jews, the spectators continue the dehumanization process. The workmen encourage the men to kill each other for the bread like a game. The encouragement of killing comes from, "Pieces of bread were falling into the wagon from all sides. And the spectators observed these emaciated creatures ready to kill for a crust of bread" (Wiesel 101). The use of the word "observed" creates an indifferent tone from the

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