
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

During the holocaust, Jews were separated from their family,beaten, treated like an animal, and an object. Germans stripped their faith, identity, individuality, and dignity. Elie Wiesel shows his experience of dehumanization in the concentration camps. In his novel, Night, he explained how he was treated harshly and dehumanized. Germans dehumanized the Jews to make them feel hopeless, faithless, and worth nothing. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis reduced the Jews to little more than “things” which were a nuisance to them. Dehumanization occurred in Night where everything started to change. They gradually began to change their appearance such as shaving their hair. Jews had no choice but let himself “ dragged along the barbers. Their clippers tore out our hair, shaved every hair on our bodies” (35). In other words, Jews were forced to cut their hair which stops them from being who they are because hair is one part of your body where it shows individuality. However, they were stopped being individual but a group of “things” controlled by the Germans. Therefore, Germans dehumanized Jews to make them feel small and easier to control and make the Jews listen to them. …show more content…

Elie experienced “A barrel of foul-smelling liquid stood by the door”(36). This foul-smelling is alcohol. When showering Germans poured alcohol, like hand sanitizer, on Jews body which it’s full of cuts from the torture of Germans. The cuts would have hurted worse than being killed. Another example is after showering. “We stood shivering in the darkness…Around midnight, Germans were making the Jews run in the cold midnight without any clothes”(41). And still the guards yelled at them for being slow and not allowing them to sleep if they are not fast enough.Therefore Germans dehumanized the Jews throwing the foul-smelling liquid and run naked in the cold night to treat them like an

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