
Examples Of Declaration Of My Independence

Decent Essays

The Declaration of My Independence In the journey in life, there is a time that one must depart from the childish ways and gather more respect from others in the event of them growing up. Being able to do more, and more effectively. Making yourself a more efficient student or person in life. I declare my Independence from my childish way of procrastination. We all say that we will do something later. Maybe even say that we’ll start something later. Or just down right keep finding excuses for not doing what you said you would. It has gone on long enough, times have changed and the time is now. Declaring my independence from procrastination would allow me more free time being used for my studies or job. I would get this free time because I wouldn’t say “I’ll finish it later”. No, I’m finishing it now. Getting me the right grade and allowing me to better understand how to do things I might not fully understand in class. Furthering me in my education and crafting me into the better student I know I can be, all for not living with this procrastination lifestyle anymore. Procrastination may not seem as the big cause in your relationship, grades, or other things in life, but it is. …show more content…

It has ruled in my life all throughout my time in school, still running to this day. It has costed me several amounts of horrible and unmentionable grades in not just one class, but all of my classes. It has caused me to push many assignments that are due in a week, to the point in not doing them until the very last day of it being due. It has costed me the grade I wanted and

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