
Examples Of Cruelty In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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The Metamorphosis of Cruelty Cruelty exists in various forms. Throughout the novella, The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, the main character Gregor Samsa has always experienced a depressing life. Gregor’s family and others around him constantly treat him with no respect and in a cruel manner. Gregor awakens to find himself as another creature that everyone, especially his family, sees him as: a cockroach, an unwanted pest. Similar to how most people treat bugs in real life, Gregor’s family does not want him around and sees him as easily squished, just like an insect. The cruelty that Gregor faces from those around him plays an important role in the work because it reflects his transformation into what everyone sees him as. The crude treatment Gregor receives from his family stands out the most because of its irony and sadness. Gregor hates his job and works solely to pay for his father’s debt, far before his metamorphosis into a cockroach. The situation worsens after Gregor’s metamorphosis into a cockroach. Even after his transformation, Gregor continues to sacrifice himself, not missing a single day of work for his family, despite the way they treat him. Mr. Samsa’s reaction to his son’s metamorphosis shows the physical aspect of cruelty towards Gregor, displaying signs of aggression when “his father merely stomped his feet more …show more content…

His father then “started brandishing the cane and newspaper to drive Gregor back into his room” (Kafka 18), treating him as if he were only an insect and not his son. Gregor’s father

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