
Examples Of Courage In The Odyssey

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The main character in "The Odyssey" is Odysseus. A man who has earned advanced glory and worship in "The Cyclops," "The Test of The Bow," and, "The Grace of the Witch" by Homer. Odysseus shows throughout these episodes how he earned those two definitions.

But how does Odysseus show this bravery and/or courage? In "The Cyclops" people may feel that he's extremely brave for talking to or how he acted towards Polyphemus the way he did. Take this for example: How Polyphemus asks for Odysseus's name, and he replies with "Nobody" (9.410).
Another example of bravery or courage in "The Cyclops" is how during his plan, Odysseus presents friendliness and helplessness, due to Polyphemus not being the brightest fellow: his capacity to disguise his

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