
Examples Of Conservatism

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Everyday on the news we hear the words Conservative and Liberal. Both groups seem to always be apposing on almost ideological standpoint. To be able to choose a side to align with first you have to define these terms. What are the core principles of both ideologies? When this is answered we can understand how they differ in respect to human nature, freedom and equality and what these key terms mean to conservatives and liberals.
First , what is a conservative? The definition Id like to use comes from one of the fathers traditional conservatism Russell Kirk.”If we may speak of a conservative interest, this appears to be the interest block of people concerned for stability colon those citizens who find the pace of change too Swift, the loss of continuity and permanence too painful, the break with american past too brutal,The damage to community dismaying, the designs of innovators imprudent and inhumane.” Conservatism to Russell Kirk and to most americans is about stability, tradition, community and slow harmonious change. …show more content…

T.H. Green’s definition is goes in line with his definition of freedom. “We mean by a power which each man exercises through the help or security given him by his fellow man, and which he in the progress of a society by its growth in Freedom, we measure it by the increasing development and exercise on the whole those powers of contributing to the social good with which we believe the members of society to be endowed; and short by the greater power on the part of the citizens as a body to make the most and best of themselves.” This is the main concepts of what welfare liberalism or modern liberalism base themselves

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