
Examples Of Consequentialism

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Brittany Maynard was a 29 year old woman who was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and given six months left to live. The doctors gave her the option of full brain radiation, but that would make her hair fall out and cause burns on her scalp. Her next option was to take medicine to help her relax in a hospice setting, but her pain could become resistant to the drugs. Her quality of life would go downhill fast, and she didn’t want to die in pain. She was supportive of physician assisted suicide and the “death with dignity” act. This act states that all mentally competent and terminally ill adults in Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have the option of asking for a prescription medicine to quicken their death (DWDNC). Maynard stated, "There …show more content…

It doesn’t matter if what you’re doing is against the law, or against human rights, what matters is that your actions bring about a positive change. That is what makes an action morally right or wrong. Within consequentialism, there are other numerous theories, one of which is called utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism that was founded by a man named Jeremy Bentham. This form states that the good and moral thing to do resulted in happiness, pleasure, and well-being. For instance, an act is morally right if it brings about happiness and a positive change. Consequentialists do not think about virtues or rights before making a decision since their actions are apostori, meaning after the act. They only weigh the consequences and act on what would bring about the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Consequentialists and utilitarians believe that the end justifies any and all means. In the case of physician-assisted suicide, it isn’t about the law, or the virtue behind it, what matters is if it brings about a good outcome. So if someone was suffering, and not enjoying the good in life like in Brittany Maynard’s case, then ending their life would also end their suffering, which is a positive thing. There are two types of utilitarianism – act and rule. Act utilitarians judge the ethics of each act independently, because it depends on the circumstances and situation you are in. According to Peter Singer, in his article “Voluntary Euthanasia: A Utilitarian Perspective”, he states, “According to act-utilitarianism, the right action is the one that, of all the actions open to the agent, has consequences that are better than, or at least no worse than, any other action”. He went on to say that both act and rule utilitarians will base their judgments on whether changing the law of euthanasia will have better consequences than not changing it. The

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