
Examples Of Conflict In The Outsiders

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In light of the comparative study between Growing Up Asian in Australia and a novel of choice, I have chosen The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton as my novel. The Outsiders is a classic dramatic novel that was first published in 1967 and was set in Oklahoma, USA. The novel is a coming-of-age story that focus around a gang of young boys called the greasers, and is narrated by Ponyboy Curtis, the main protagonist. The major conflicts that appeared in the novel were man vs man, man vs society and man vs self( internal conflict). One of the main vs man conflict in the Outsiders is the rival between the greasers and the socs. The greasers are the east side boys who " steal things and drive old souped-up cars and hold up gas stations". The greasers, due to their family background and physical appearance, are being stereotyped as individuals who are poor and are provided with fewer opportunities than others. On the other hand, the socs, are " the west-side rich kids" who come from affluent backgrounds and" likes to jump greasers and throw beer blasts for kicks". In the eyes of the public, the Socs are the social elites whereas the greasers are considered the less privileged, second-class citizens. The socs and the greasers shares a sense of hatred against each other, they fight with each other both verbally and physically. One of the instances that shows their conflict externally was the 'Saturday Night Rumble'. The two gangs " moved in a circle under the light, counter-clockwise, eyeing

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