
Examples Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Compassion does not only have an effect on emotions, but futures of people as well. Ultimately compassion shows a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for someone. Harper Lee characterized the act of sympathy through Atticus’ life raising children. Atticus’ act of living as a calm man showed Jem and Scout how they should continue to live their lives. His goal in life depicted instilling his children to have a strong sense of morality and justice. He did every thing he could to use kindness as a galvanizer for his kid’s lives. Similar to God and how he extends his grace unto those who love him for all the days of their life. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus showed compassion towards his kids, parallel to how God uses compassion to his children. …show more content…

Scout and Jem being close in age were very close as siblings, since they only had a father to rely on in life. Atticus displayed how difficult it was to be a single father, especially dealing with the Great Depression and racism issues. Throughout his children’s lives he often finds teaching point in every thing they go through. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 31). This applies to the issue of judging and Atticus wants his children to know that one does not know what someone experiences in their life. Unless, the person climbs into the others skin, therefore judging does not benefit others. The little aspects of life improve the way Jem and Scout live their

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