
Examples Of Civil Disobedience

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Why we do obey the law? According to philosopher Peter Singer, there are good reasons for obeying the law. But, he also argues, there are times when it acceptable to disobey law. Law are made to be obey, but in some cases people beliefs that there are exception where unjust laws sometimes can be disobey. Singer gives two arguments in favor of obeying laws. First, he argues that is necessary to obey the laws so people avoid to hurting others. Second, Singer argues that to maintain or create order it is necessary to have laws. We all need laws to keep things on order, in most of the cases laws can be change depending on the place and time. In the other hand, civil disobedience can also be viewed as necessary in some cases. Singer argues civil …show more content…

In our history, there are cases where civil disobedience was necessary to made change in our justice system. One example of disobey the law was Martin Luther King on civil right moments. In the letter of Martin Luther king letter to Birmingham Jail. He wrote all his and others African-Americans feeling during the civil right movement. How in peace there were fighting for their rights and how their get tried. They have years fighting to be reconciled as a human being and not a property, fighting in peace didn't’ help them. According to Martin Luther King, “throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which, even though Negroes constitute a majority of the population, not a single Negro is registered.” (King, 1963) How unjust laws were use to justify bad actions in our society. Luther King also says that “how can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others? That lies can be the answer in two types of legal laws (just and unjust).” (King, 1963) In his letter, he talk about the holocaust in Germany and how killing thousands of people where acceptable by the law, even though killing other human being is see as unjustified by

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