
Examples Of Christus's Irreconciliation

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And that he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. (2 Cor. 5:19[NIV]) such a view has cruel tendencies, one that can be misunderstood that God requires suffering in order for justice to be satisfied.
The third and somewhat controversial model is the Ransom/Redeemer/Christus Victor Model, which was adapted first by early scholars. From Arenaeus to Gustaf Aulen, some 200 years after Christ’s death. Irenaeus stated that what really happened on the cross was Jesus' triumph over several factors. First over sin and death, then over the devil himself and the kingdom of the darkness, as well as that of the law, which was impossible to accomplish to the human race. Other theologians, such as, the Cappodocian Fathers of Caesarea, Nyssa and Basil, declared that the victory was over the evil one himself. Repeating what Origen said years earlier, they said that Christ tricked the devil; nevertheless, the price was paid to in full to the Devil. The Devil saw the sinless humanity of Christ as the bait and felt for it, all the while his divinity was the hook. When the devil bit the hook he was overpowered. Later, after the enlightenment, another theologian also used the analogy of the fishhook when referring to the death of Christ, namely, Martin Luther. …show more content…

Finally, it has an eschatological perspective of the second coming of Christ as victorious in all the sense of the word. However, there are some weaknesses to this point of view as well. Perhaps, the deception of the devil in which God seems to be too involved with, it seems unworthy of God, it is also ambiguous on how it applies to

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