And that he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. (2 Cor. 5:19[NIV]) such a view has cruel tendencies, one that can be misunderstood that God requires suffering in order for justice to be satisfied.
The third and somewhat controversial model is the Ransom/Redeemer/Christus Victor Model, which was adapted first by early scholars. From Arenaeus to Gustaf Aulen, some 200 years after Christ’s death. Irenaeus stated that what really happened on the cross was Jesus' triumph over several factors. First over sin and death, then over the devil himself and the kingdom of the darkness, as well as that of the law, which was impossible to accomplish to the human race. Other theologians, such as, the Cappodocian Fathers of Caesarea, Nyssa and Basil, declared that the victory was over the evil one himself. Repeating what Origen said years earlier, they said that Christ tricked the devil; nevertheless, the price was paid to in full to the Devil. The Devil saw the sinless humanity of Christ as the bait and felt for it, all the while his divinity was the hook. When the devil bit the hook he was overpowered. Later, after the enlightenment, another theologian also used the analogy of the fishhook when referring to the death of Christ, namely, Martin Luther.
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Finally, it has an eschatological perspective of the second coming of Christ as victorious in all the sense of the word. However, there are some weaknesses to this point of view as well. Perhaps, the deception of the devil in which God seems to be too involved with, it seems unworthy of God, it is also ambiguous on how it applies to
did not deny that God’s punishment was necessary. However, he called upon the mercy of
for his Father and bride, three conclusions logically follow. First, the divine curse of suffering imposed on Adam and Eve was perfectly reasonable. Second, their humble acceptance of that punitive suffering would be remedial. Third, Christ’s bearing of this curse, in his own sacrificial suffering on the cross, would prove to be redemptive. (73)
Knowing these characteristics of God can lead someone to question God asking, why does he allow temptation, suffering, and pain? It is hard for us to fully understand theodicy; the view of how God is powerful, good, and yet suffering still exists. It is difficult for us to understand God’s concurrence with sinful acts. Sin is the reason why we have pain, suffering,
One of the major themes of the book of Zechariah is Old Testament Eschatology. Eschatology is the doctrine of end times, or the study of last things. Zechariah’s message is divided into three main sections. The first section, chapters 1-8, is considered apocalyptic and is filled with eight visions succeeding one another in one night.The second section, chapters 7-8, delivered two years later, are an answer to the question whether the days of fasting and mourning for the destruction of the city should be kept any longer, and an assurance to the people of God 's presence and blessing. The third and final section, chapters 9-14, consists of two oracles. The first oracle (9-11) addresses God 's dealings with His people. The second oracle (12–14) points out the final conflict and triumph of God 's kingdom.
While numerous teachings Jesus conveyed were challenging, many people believe his call for forgiveness to be extremely difficult to practice. It is not easy to pardon, or even love someone who has betrayed us. These sins people commit against can leave behind scars, and it can take a long time in order for our pain to be healed (Saint Mary’s Bible,1456). Moreover, when we have been wronged, it might be tempting to seek revenge against on the person who has done us wrong, to make him or her hurt as we have been. Additionally, if we do not seek vengeance, we might hold onto feelings directed against that person and well into the future. After we have been wounded in a specific way it is difficult to let our guard down and be vulnerable again
It is Christ Jesus who has won the struggle over death and the devils wicked, and deceitful temptations. Thus, sin is still currently present, however, Christ has claimed death at the cross of Calvary, (Luke 23). Also, what Christ Jesus has done is demonstrated as a promise that we (everyone) will be made alive in Christ and in heaven. Lastly the metaphor ransom is actually the Justice of God by paying our ransom it is to free us from sin and death. This is also known as the free gift from God to mankind (we are given the choice to either accept it or not).
But God restored us to himself through his love and mercy and saved us with his grace (v. 4-7).
Some texts suggest sin can only be appropriately punished through the use of divine justice. The text which most obviously shows the extent of God’s desire for justice is the poem, ‘The
In this world we get caught up in sin and worldly desires but Jesus brings truth in our life for us to realize what the greater purpose of life is. I would hate to live in the time before Jesus and laws under the powerful leaders. Jesus though came in to save us from our sin. I always find it incredible to read about how Jesus healed the sick and casted out demons. This book offers different various perceptions on each of Jesus encounters.
Reparation or recompense, identified as atonement, is a concept interspersed throughout the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation. Atonement, which means “to set as one” or “to reconcile,” has two different emphases according to Jewish and Christian theology. Reginald H. Fuller in his summary of V. Taylor’s book Jesus and His Sacrifice said that the Jewish perception of atonement as found in the Old Testament focuses more on external or personal factors, while Christian theologians believe that throughout the New Testament atonement is shown to be the expiation of sin through the payment through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. According to Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, the most frequent method of
He died on the cross and rose again three days later. This obedience to God shows that Jesus was able to go against satan’s authority on Earth. His characteristics enabled Him to go against all
God appeared as Jesus after man was humbled enough to recognize their desire for a savior on page 477. I that how the second coming will potentially come about?
• Writes about Christ suffering extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of Pontius Pilatus. Refers to an immense multitude of Christ followers willing to die for their beliefs. Pg. 82
The message of the book is God’s reach to mankind in order to save him from the judgment to come. We should rejoice that
Jesus became an enemy of the Pharisees, and they were not going to rest until they found a way to kill him. They schemed against him and captured him. After some legal dispute, the people decided to crucify Jesus. He endured much suffering through his death. He was scourged, tortured, and nailed to a cross, suffering an unfathomable amount of pain as a perfect man (HCSB, Luke. 23). After being dead and buried in a tomb for three days, Jesus rose from the dead. His resurrection proved he did indeed die for the sins of the world, and the world now had hope of salvation because of his grace and sacrifice.