
Examples Of Censorship In America Today

Decent Essays

Censorship is one of the most controversial topics in America today. It provides rules or discipline for new technology. It covers music, video games, movies, plays, and the internet. Censorship is all around us, but how has it affected our nation as a whole? Censorship is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are “offensive,” happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship has existed in ancient societies, and was made to prevent the wrong audiences from seeing things that were to mature. One of the most famous examples was in 399BC when the philosopher Socrates was sentenced to drink poison for his corruption of youth and his acknowledgement of unorthodox divinities. Another example is during the 15th century when the printing press was created, certain books or writings were not allowed to be …show more content…

Today however it has become more controversial as new music and movies are coming to light. Some disagree with the lyrics that are being said. An example is in 1988 when the music group N.W.A released their 2nd album which featured the song F*** the Police. This song spread across the nation and raised some eyebrows. While on tour the group was told by California police to not perform the song at the next concert, however the group performed the song the police fired up the building and the whole group was taken into custody. Many believed that the music was inappropriate and “crossing the line,” but their lyrics expressed what their life was like in Compton. This is just one example of how people think censorship should have even more of an effect on everyday life. Though the song offended the police it was made to show the discrimination they had faced as individuals. Many did not agree, but the group believed it was their God given right to express their beliefs and opinions through

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