
Examples Of Ambition In The Great Gatsby

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Pursuit of the American Dream Though the pursuit of success through the enrichment of life in financial and personal contexts is a drive that captivates humans internationally, it has been coined and visualized mostly through the lens of the "American Dream". Taking value in business success, personal education, and improving quality of life, the American Dream is characterized in its most simple form through ambition: the act of dedicating one's life to constantly increasing closer to a life-long goal, passion, dream, or version of reality that is not currently present. It is evident that in many cases routes to this idealized success and version of the future are not guaranteed, and often requires extreme effort and dedication, the journey of the American Dream still …show more content…

Though his family could not provide him with the financial resources to create immense wealth, Gatsby utilized mentorship from an older man he admired and created his own ventures method to achieve wealth. Driven by his own American Dream of creating wealth for himself, Gatsby was able to extend past the unfortunate circumstances around him and achieve individual wealth through business. It was his grit and determination of a better future that allowed Gatsby to expand upon the bounds initially set upon him and create tangible outcomes of the American Dream that captivated his youth. In the 2000s, the idea of creating opportunities to elevate wealth has become more and more of a reality, with many leaders in various industries taking strides to build their own values through their passions. LeBron James, hailed as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, grew up in poverty in Akron, Ohio. His American Dream was not only to play basketball in the NBA, but to elevate his family out of poverty and provide them with the financial opportunity they never

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