
Examples Of Ambition In Macbeth

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The truth about ambition “We glorify lust, greed, and pain we drown our hope in poison rain we point the finger, shift the blame Ambition makes us worst” –Motohead “March or Die”. Ambition is defined as an accomplishment or even a motivating factor for one's achievements. Everyone has an objective or dream that he or she wishes to achieve, but sometimes it is difficult to reach this without some sense of ambition. However, an extreme amount of ambition could lead a man to trust they need to go through outstanding measures good or bad to achieve their goals. Corruption and greed are the negative qualities of an ambitious person which is why ambition is a negative character trait rather than positive. Corruption and greed are negative traits …show more content…

His ambition also gave him greed for more power and money. His ambition also made him a corrupted broker lying and stealing from others. All things considered, ambition should just be had to a specific degree. In the story Macbeth his ambition is the reason he failed. The corrupt nature of his ambition to become King clouds his ability to think and act clearly. Macbeth killed the former king because he thought that would be the only way he would become King. This type of greed hurt many people in the story. Greed is not a good characteristic to portray. Ambitious people do achieve successful careers, but that does not seem to be the case when it comes to living happy and healthy. Ambitious people give up personal relationships and are lonely effecting there mental and emotional health. In the movie “Catch Me If You Can” Frank Jr. commits fraud by forged fake checks from an airline when his family finds themselves moving out of there family home. His greed takes over and he continues to do this for some time. Jr. finds himself so lonely and unhappy he calls the FBI agent that is looking for him just to chat. His greed made him give up the things he

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