
Examples Of Ambiguity In Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

Oedipus Rex, an ancient Greek tragedy written by Sophocles, exposes Oedipus’ search for his true identity. Oedipus thinks he knows himself in the beginning. But as the play develops, he realizes he’s been blind to his true origin, thus experiences pity and fear as the drama unfolds.Oedipus uses ambiguity, intentional vagueness to encourage the audience to its own conclusion about Oedipus. Sophocles’ use of ambiguity in Oedipus Rex enables Oedipus to be viewed as both a tragic hero and a victim.
Throughout the play, Oedipus demonstrates the characteristics of a tragic hero. In the beginning, Oedipus is depicted as having a strong noble character. For example, he had solved the Sphinx’s riddle in order to save the people of Thebes. Thus, he expresses a sincere amount of care for the people …show more content…

Since the beginning, Oedipus’ fate has been chosen by the gods. When it was prophesied that Laius and Jocasta were to have a son that will kill his own father, marry his mother, and bear her children, they were unraveled. Since Laius and Jocasta feared the prophecy, they tried try to put fate into their own hands, which causes them to fulfill the same fate they had sought to escape. In the same way, when Oedipus was made aware of the same prophecy, by a drunkard, he attempts to control his own fate. In the attempt to flee from his horrid fate, he runs away, unknowingly fulfilling the oracle, becoming a victim of the gods’ ill doing. As a result he kills his father, bears his mother's children, and marries his own mother, in his blindness to the truth of his origin. Sophocles through this explains how the fate the gods set out to each person is inevitable, thus everyone should “Bear [their] own fate [for] it is bound to come.”(1280) Sophocles uses the victimized Oedipus to demonstrate that Oedipus is a “tragedy of destiny… that man has no free will but is the puppet in the hands of gods.”(Dobbs

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