
Examples Of Abigail In The Crucible

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All people commissioned to hang in Salem were innocent… how did they end up there? Through the lies and accusations of Abigail, a teenager whose head was filled with power, revenge, and her reputation. In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible he clearly shows that Abigail is guilty in more ways than one. She is guilty of lies…accusation… and even murder.
On page 11 Abigail discusses with her uncle, Parris, about the events that occurred while they danced in the woods. He claims to have seen a dress on the ground and someone naked running through the trees. Abigail replies to this in terror “No one was naked! You mistake yourself, uncle!” This seems equitable… it was dark and there is the possibility that Abigail is telling the truth; however, on page 17 after Mercy enters and is talking to Abigail about the depth of the situation Abigail now says, “He …show more content…

The first being when she accuses Tituba on page 40. While she is being accused of calling the Devil she puts the blame on Tituba saying that Tituba made her do it. From this action things spiral out of control as the events of the night before become a little more transparent. At the end of act one on page 45-46 Abigail is accusing in a hysterical frenzy along with Betty who has just awoken. “I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!”
As seen above, Abigail accuses Goody Osburn as being with Devil. On page 54 Mary Warren says, “Goody Osburn-will hang!” Due to Abigail’s accusation Goody Osburn has been sentenced to death. Abigail is guilty of murder, even of the one she claims to love… Page 110 Mary Warren goes back to Abigail’s side and accuses Proctor of being under the Devil’s power. Abigail does nothing to save him and he is sent to the prisons and soon to hang least he confess. On the very last page, 134, Proctor takes his death march to the gallows under the fault of

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