
Example Of Monitoring Report

Decent Essays

Your overall monitoring plan and what you have completed thus far.
So far I have been reading all I can about the monitoring plan. I found the examples in the course documents to be very different from one another, but also helpful. One of the first things I did was look to define monitoring. According to Welsh and Harris (2013), “Monitoring is a process that attempts to identify any gaps between the program or policy on paper (design) and the program or policy in action (implementation)” (p. 148).
I have used the shorter example to start my draft and will continue to refine it over the next couple of days. I believe I’ve plugged-in the basics under the headings, but feel it’s still fairly rudimentary. I plan to start reviewing the reference material and our text book to add substance. …show more content…

Constructing this Use of Force policy has caused me to review many procedures that I hadn’t thoroughly reviewed in years. Although the same case law applies, our society has had many changes. As I see situations unfold on television I realize this is not the same world I started my policing career in. The day of giving officers the benefit of the doubt is over. Although there are many incidents that justify intense scrutiny, there are others that do not. Unfortunately, it seems that every officer is presumed guilty until proven innocent. Due to this, it has become more difficult to encourage people to enter the criminal justice field.
I have also developed a new respect for those tasked with writing policy. The amount of research, time and effort required to properly develop policy is far beyond what I had expected. Especially if it’s a subject you don’t already have a base of knowledge of.
What mechanisms you will use to solicit feedback and input in order to assure that your agencies (or organizations) policies are

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