
Example Of An Expository Essay On A Softball Pitcher

Satisfactory Essays

Expository Essay Maggie Tyler a softball player, good student, pitcher. Maggie is a softball pitcher with an active personality she sets her goals and reaches as high as she want or can. She goes to Virginia Tech University. She is now a senior softball pitcher for her team, when maggie first started to play softball in college she was a freshman and a catcher for the team. As you can see Maggie Tyler is a good student, pitcher and catcher at/ for Virginia Tech.

Maggie pitches for her team and use to catch for her team. She is a 3-time pitcher in ACC, she has only had to be taken out of a game of pitching twice. Her team collected 23 wins, because of her “pitching”. During 2016 she has thrown 245 strikes, she has pitched 242 innings. She

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