
Evolutionary Psychology: The Evolution Of Human Behavior

Decent Essays

To study the evolution of human behavior, we must first understand the evolutionary foundation of modern human behavior. Using the knowledge we have about human behavior while observing for patterns that are consistent with evolutionary models. Taking advantage of natural experiments that produce different combinations of variables that can allows us to obtain new approach on human behavior. This chapter will focus on various aspects of human behavior from an evolutionary viewpoint. These involve the “ecology and demography of traditional human societies, patters of human behavior that have been shaped by sexual selection, the interaction between culture and biology in the expression of language, and the emergence of behavioral disease in an …show more content…

Anthropologists and other scientist use different types of method to study the evolution of human behavior, depending on their specific interest and expertise. First approach is the Paleontological Reconstruction; these reconstructions were constructed on the anatomy of existent of hominins and the archaeological remains, which they were connected. They were also found associated among behavior, anatomy, and ecology discovered in non-human primate species and in modern humans. Next is the Biological approach, which is understandable that human cultural behavior has affected human evolution. Biological and evolutionary heritage may have developed several methods behavior that has been discovered by others. Third approach is the Evolutionary Psychology, which emphasize on understanding the behaviors or cognitive modules adaptations. Evolutionary psychologist is convinced that our evolved behavior may indicate or should be explained in terms of theoretical environment of evolutionary adaptedness. Lastly, is the Human Evolutionary Ecology, which emphasize more on psychological experiments and surveys of individuals living in developed countries, also on the ecological factors that impact reproduction success in the few remaining hunter gathered …show more content…

This development perspective is based in large component on the fact that humans are mammals. Male and female mammals differ enormously in energetic investment in generating offspring. Female mammals produce not only eggs but also a body which fetal growth takes place. After birth, they are required to produce milk and care for their offspring until the age of weaning. Males are required to produce sperm at the time of fertilization, and that is all. Following investment, “which can take the form if provisioning a pregnant or lactating female or providing food for the young, is not required, and in many species, including most primate species, males do not directly participate or invest in rearing young” ((Standford, John, & Anton, 2013, p.

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