
Evolutionar Compassion

Decent Essays

Humans are selfish. It is one of the most widespread philosophies in Western civilization, and more assumptions follow. We are greedy, self-centered, war prone beasts. Cooperation and altruism are a pipe dream. The worst parts of human nature are the strongest. For centuries, this is how we have thought about humanity; we disregard human sentiment as sinful and irrational. There would be no need for the ten commandments if we weren't so destructive, right? It is easy to question if compassion even exists in a world that seems so hateful. Purportedly “selfless acts” can be selfish ones under a guise of compassion: celebrities do benevolent charity work in Africa to distract from their latest scandal, yet people in America are living on the streets. …show more content…

The cliché that “nice guys finish last” is true. Symbiotic people are exploited in competitive situations. The powerful have always preyed on the vulnerable; it is how they obtained their power in the first place. If kind people were able to evoke cooperativeness in others, however, everyone would benefit. As their compassion arouses benevolent responses in others, it blossoms for everyone. This utopian thinking may be premature, but its implementation would make a positive change on society by forcing us to consider success of others in personal decisions. Perhaps most importantly, we question if compassion inspires altruistic behavior. When we detect a person in distress, we conjure an empathetic response, and are thus motivated to strengthen that person’s welfare, even at our own expense. We want to aid those who are struggling. Through facial expressions, touch, and language, emotions can be shared. When inspired, compassion floods through our selfish concerns, sparking altruistic behavior. We are only beginning to overcome our natural tendency for selfishness, but as compassion grows inside each of us, it motivates truly selfless, altruistic

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