
Evolution in Seed-Eating Finches

Decent Essays

Evolution in Seed-Eating Finches
The purpose of this laboratory simulation is to determine the effects of different factors on the evolution in isolated populations of seed-eating finches. The simulation takes place on hypothetical islands each with a population of finches. The primary finch physical characteristic affected by factors is the bill size which can change from smaller to larger. Larger bills are an advantage with hard seeds while smaller bills are an advantage for eating soft seeds. The islands can vary by physical size and precipitation levels. Larger islands can support a larger population. Higher precipitation levels support plants with soft seeds while corresponding lower supports plants with harder seeds. The number of eggs laid or "clutch size" can also be held static within the simulation.
In addition to physical parameters, this simulation will allow statistical variability changes including the effect of the dominance of heritability and the statistical variations for the range of changes in the trait of bill size.
The simulations will study the effect of changes of specific parameters for the different variables while maintaining all non-variable parameters as constants. The result of this is to isolate the effect of a specific change in a variable and determine how this change effects the evolution of the finches.
Evaluation 1: Change in Beak Size
Hypothesis: I
Plants that thrive under wet conditions make soft seeds, plants that persist in

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