
Evolution Vs Creationism Research Paper

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Evolution vs Creationism

As we all grew up under the guidance and knowledge of our own parents, we had been slowly molded to accept certain beliefs, while rejecting others. We were also taught to think creatively and question what we were taught, even from them. The status quo is always changing and evolving and the problem we find in today’s society is that sometimes we see and hear things and immediately take them as fact, or even repetitively until we believe them as fact with no evidence to back those things up. In my opinion, we have lost the ability to, not only think for ourselves, but to truly question the mass amount of knowledge we consume on a daily basis. I feel that this has a similar effect on the conversation about evolution …show more content…

As I grew older and learned about evolution my beliefs were strongly challenged with no merit. The problem I had with both scenarios was that they are both THEORIES. A good example of me questioning what these theories actually meant is when I went through grade-school, the pledge of allegiance had been removed because it had the word God in it. As a young child I questioned the fact of why I couldn’t say it in school. Later on, as I entered high-school, our class had scratched the surface on evolution and I wondered why we were not taught creationism as well, and why we were not allowed to make our own decision of what we were being taught throughout school. According to a Gallup poll of 1,016 U.S. adults about 45 percent of those surveyed favored the statement “God created human beings in their present form within the last 10,000 years” (Fitch 1). If the survey showed an almost even split of both theories then why are we forced to learn only evolution in schools? Scientists and science educators have concluded that evolution should be taught in science classes because it is the only tested, comprehensive, scientific explanation for the nature of the biological world today that is supported by overwhelming evidence and widely accepted by the scientific community (National Academy of Sciences 53). As a society that has proven itself wrong time and time again how can we for sure say the “Big Bang theory” is where our ancestors came from and everything around us came to be? The problem with religion is that there are many of them and they each have their own opinions. If creationism were to be taught in schools, it would be too complex to tailor a way for it to be accepted by every one of them. In this conflict of interest, the final

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