
Evolution Of Primates Essay

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The evolutionary changes in the Euprimate skulls allowed them to rely more on vision than on small because, most mammals including pottos and certain other primates, are colorblind, they can't distinguish the color red. Therefore, the color may have evolved in primates because it helped them to pick out ripe red or orange against the green forest background. However, color vision may also help some leaf eating monkey species to pick out the most nutritions green leaves.

2. A lower primate (such as lemur) grasps objects as compared to a higher primates (such as a monkey), the grasping hands of primates are an adaptation to life in the trees. The similar ancestors of all primates evolved an opposable thumb that helped them grasp branches. Therefore today, most primates instead have flat fingernails and larger fingers pads, which help them to hold on. The hands of many higher primates can grasp and manipulate even very small objects.

3. The only living menebers of the superfamily Hominoidea of primates are, loer primates, new world monkeys, old world monkeys, orangutans, humans, chimpanzees and bonobos, gorrilas and gibbons.

4. The amount of living species of primates living on earth today are, more than 200 species. However, over the past 65 million years many now extinct primate species increase around the world.

5. According to …show more content…

Scientist determine that the fossil skull of Flores was an adult and not a child by, Flores belonged to a hominid so small it is nicknamed "the Hobbit". However, the Flores hominid seems to have lived only 18,000 years ago, the same time as modern humans, it had a tiny brain. The scientist who discovered the fossils classify the Flores hominid as its own species, Homofloresiensis. Lastly, when the tiny skull was found they assumed it was the remains of a modern human child, but it had the teeth of an adult, very worn, the wisdom teeth had come in. Scientist later found fossils of more Flores hominids with the same petite

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