“The process of evolution can be very slow, and allows living creatures to develop an anatomy that is structured for them to thrive” (Dolphin Evolution). Evolution is the gradual development of a creature, especially from a simple to a more complex organism. Many mammals have evolved from one animal to another. For instance, dolphins has evolved from land animals to ocean animals. All of the dolphins belong to the cetacean family, which also include whales, dolphins and porpoises. Dolphins are now aquatic mammals who are very intelligent and curious. However, what forces made them evolve? And what did Darwin mean by “survive by the fittest”? Or what principles of evolution or survival are at work? (Samantha & Paula)
Many scientists wonder
On August 24th was the Miami Dolphins football game versus the Atlanta Falcons. Although it was a preseason game it was still important because, the week before we got beat by the Dallas Cowboys 41-21,and we didn't want that to happen again. So in practice they worked harder and harder Intel it was game day. When they got off the buses they meant business, they looked ready to go. Everyone sat down at there sets 5...4...3...2...1 the boom the ball was kicked soaring as high as the birds.
In Pink Sheep’s house, Homie Dolphin was playing video games and eating burritos and Mountain Dew. When these two guys were too focused on the games a hater broke in the house and took their supplies to burritos and Mountain Dew. On his way out he took Homie Dolphin’s gold necklace worth a trillion dollars.
On Thursday, June 22, the Blythe Desert Dolphins hosted their second home swim meet, where they competed against the Brawley Sunstrokers and the Holtville Stingrays at the Palo Verde High School pool.
There are five teams that are worthy of being called the greatest team in NFL history: the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1978 Pittsburgh Steelers, the 1984 San Francisco 49’ers, the 2007 Patriots, however the 1985 Chicago Bears stand out amongst the crowd because of their outrageous defense, popularity amongst the NFL fans, and their roster that was filled with Hall of Fame talent. According to the 1985 Chicago Bears Statistics & Players (2017), the team finished with a season record of 15-1. News analyst Tony Andracki (2016) stated that, “The 1985 Bears turned in one of the most dominant seasons in American Sports” (p.1).
The Dolphins are off to a rough start as they begin the season 0-3. Trying to build a better reputation, the team has been working hard to improve their skills and hopefully come out with a few wins this year. So far nothing consequential has been seen from Dana as they are yet to find the element that will take their team to victory.
One morning a band of three brothers awaken from a night of mischievous activities, but only two stand up to find the last’ clothes on the ground with their owner nowhere in sight. They then see movement from the shirt moving up to the neck, then a frog appears in place of the last brother’s body! This occurred after the day the brothers were entranced by three sirens. Similar to Homer’s “The Odyssey,” “O Brother Where Art Thou” has many events that relate the Odysseus and his adventure.
The Amazon River Dolphin is called the Inia Geoffrensis, and more commonly the boto or pink dolphin. The Amazon River Dolphin has a lifespan of 30 years unless they are caught and used for bait. This dolphin is the largest of the River Dolphin species. They have a body length between 2 and 2.6 meters, and weigh between 220 and 350 pounds. Depending on the location, the dolphins could be blue, pink, albino, etc.
I am like a Bottlenose Dolphin. In nature, Bottlenose Dolphins are known for their advance thought processing, communication skills, sense of curiosity, and open minds. Like a Bottlenose Dolphin, I have all the same attributes that make me a distinct student and individual. To the advanced mind of a Bottlenose Dolphin, the ocean is its domain that it can mature in and mold in the way it pleases. For me, the entire earth is my domain to mature in and to mold. The unique way I want to shape the future of the world is by becoming a biomedical engineer and using what I have learned during my studies to change the world of biomedicine. I will use my dolphin like attributes to aid me in reaching my goal. Once I become a biomedical engineer I will surely have accomplished my goal in life and hopefully will be well on my way to changing others way of life..
At this point in time, it is getting harder and harder for a man to surprise the love of his life with an engagement ring and the word, “Will you marry me?” Countless men have gotten on bended knee on the beach, at a football game, cruise ship, and the spot where they met their partner.
There are many factors that have contributed to my social location. The main ones that come to mind are my social class, my racial background, and my education. All around us are people who come from different areas of the world, or same areas of the world with very different demographics.
There is something about dolphins that fascinates me. They are some of the most intelligent and beautiful animals that I have ever seen. Their faces are so cute that every time I look at a dolphin it looks like it is smiling at me and wants to tell me something. The noises they make represent some kind of language and it makes me wonder if they can really communicate. I also want to know what kind of feeling they have and whether they have emotions. This is why I chose to do this I-search project on dolphins; the different kinds of dolphins there are, the places that they can be found and their mental abilities.
Some may ask, “What is a turning point in life?” A turning point is when life turns into a different direction. Turning points aren’t as easy as they sound. Most of the time, turning points are stressful times, but the result of the complex decision is what affects one’s thoughts and possibly the way he/she looks at his/her surroundings. The following will state how Karana (Island of the Blue Dolphins,) Rachel (Eleven,) and Moon Shadow (Dragonwings) faced life changing decisions which impacted their lives.
I will never forget watching the winning touchdown pass from the stands, that won the Dolphins their first and only game in 2007, I was screaming as excitement stemmed through me that day. The 2007 season was one of the worst for the Miami Dolphins; however, in 1972 the Dolphins made history with a perfect season and a perfect finish. I’m going to compare both teams coaches, key players, Superbowl wins, and win loss record. Although with different circumstances between the 1972 Dolphins and present teams, they deserve more recognition and regard from football fans across the country.
For the last session, we focused on the group presentations. Some interesting topics that I have learned were one child policy, tesla, and Microsoft in China.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution centres on the idea that species compete to survive, and favorable characteristics are passed on from one generation to the next. Darwin said that evolution took place by a process of natural selection or survival of the fittest. This meant that the animals and plants best suited to their surroundings survived and were able to pass on their genes to their offspring. The ones that weren't best suited died off and didn't get the chance to reproduce.