
Evolution Of Baseball Research Paper

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The Baseball World Filled with Money

Baseball has been part of American history for well over 150 years now. It is considered to be America’s pastime, meaning it is what people loved to do in their off time back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in Cooperstown, New York in 1839. Back then baseball was much different than today. Different rules, balls, and equipment than in today’s age. As baseball developed things changed such as the rules and equipment. Better equipment was put into place to help enhance the performance of the ball players. Baseball has become a sport of scouting. More and more scouts come to watch kids play in college and high school in hopes to find that one player that would be …show more content…

Billy Bean was a young athletic kid that came from a military family. He grew to be six foot four inches at the age of eighteen. Billy was tested for his arm strength, speed, hitting, and fielding in front of major league scouts. Billy was not the suitable runner to the major leagues scouts. They looked at him and thought he too tall and lengthy for an outfielder. “He’s probably real slow,” they would say. Billy did not listen to them, he did not have a care in the world besides performing perfectly in front of the scouts and fans. He was then set to run the 60 yard dash. “Gillick drops his hand. Five born athletes lift up and push off. They’re at full tilt after just a few steps. It’s all over inside of seven seconds. Billy Beane has made all the others look slow,” (Lewis 5). Things are not always what they seem to be. Billy was a tall white kid that is not suppose to beat a sprinter who was already signed to UCLA on a football scholarship as a wide receiver. Scouts ask for a re-run, and yet again Billy kills them. Billy was undervalued as a runner and he proved them wrong by killing everyone in the …show more content…

He was not going by the proper way to scout players. Other scouts were getting mad he was not doing this. Billy believed in the statistics. As the 2002 Oakland Athletic team started off strong with three straight wins in the beginning. As the season started going, the A’s started a 20 game winning streak. Billy was praised for finding these players that were all pulling in the same direction. Not one player had an ego that would set back the team. Just like Billy, the players were focused on one thing winning, winning the World Series. Billy lived by this quote, “The problem,”‘ wrote James, “is that baseball statistics are not pure accomplishments of men against other men, which is what we are in the habit of seeing them as. They are accomplishments of men in combination with their circumstances” (Lewis 71). Billy just did not focus on the stats rather he also focused on what the player actually accomplished throughout their years of playing baseball. This is what made him one of the best general managers in the league at the time. After the A’s did not make it past the first round of the playoffs all of the criticism waiting for the Billy to fail for the first time started to pour in. Billy simply responded “We’ll be back.” Billy was not viewed as a real general manager in the beginning, but after he succeeded he gained

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