
Evil And Evil In St. Augustine's The Confessions

Decent Essays

Humans are like glass. We are created to be pure, untouched, transparent. But as time goes on, we slowly start to crack. Smeared fingerprints start to cover the glass. The edges that were once smooth became sharp like polished swords. Our words begin to cut deep, causing to wound the ones we love. Our exterior begins to crack the more we speak, the more we move. The unblemished mirror is now opaque by the smeared dirt and oil from unclear hands. Now the crack is extending from end to end. This once pure, untouched, transparent mirror is now broken. Just like us, broken. In The Confessions, written by St Augustine talks about what evil is and why God allows evil in this world. The Lord allows evil in this world because God has given freewill to choose, but in the end even if we chose poorly, it will always glorify God. Evil is not the opposite of good. Mr. McNeeley said,”Goodness is the ultimate reality in the sense that through God, it is pre-existed everything else. Evil is perversion of God’s goodness and rebellion against a good God.” Nothing can compare to goodness because goodness is only attainable to God. In Matthew 19:17 he explains, “And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." People can not be good because if we were good, we would not have the intention to sin. We are born into sin, but Jesus was begotten by the Father . Begotten means “created” or

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