
Evidence Of Macroevolution

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Actually, that's not what I was saying.
Oh in that case why did you mention 99% believe in evolution then? I also note You did not say how many only believe in microevolution. Yes it did have evidence...furthermore the fossil record.
What is this supposed to mean, you haven’t given me any evidence, and the fossil record only shows that macroevolution has no evidence. There are dozens of YOU, who believe in an ancient book with NO evidence.
Oh so because a book is ancient then it has no value, so what do we have so far-?
1. If lots of people say the same thing then that is evidence for macroevolution.
2. Any book that’s old is valueless.
Do you see how dumbed down you have become, now how old is Darwin’s book?
Further how old are the …show more content…

I am in year 9, I’m 13 so have access to extended services, you must too. even though the evidence for evolution is in the video!
No there is no evidence for macroevolution, I have all the evidence, you are confusing microevolution they are connected so scientist can say evolution is a fact that convinces the gullible and dumbed down not the elite thinkers. Ask your teacher to give you the evidence for macroevolution I have and there isn’t any, what there is, is a model that year on year gets more and more implausible, which is the truth. You are obviously a lot older than me, so act like it before you tell me someone more crap with no evidence.
I am 13 and ½ but take most of my lessons the year above, other than resistive materials and Geography which I’m crap at. I am the lead in school debates, on morality, theism, popular culture and politics which take place once a …show more content…

Well if you would like to debate this then we can but we do not need to bring religion into this debate, as it’s not necessary. And if you think all that happened in the bible ONE person did not write that down?
No that’s correct the bible is a collection of 66 books and had about 40 authors. If you are going to debate with me on the bible or Christianity I will insist you read it, I do not debate with the lazy, I could tell you what is on just about any page of “the god delusion”- +-3 or 4 pages, I have read it and reread it and know every argument and I can defeat all of them. I have done so by work. I am one of only 20 Christians in my school, no one dare try to take me on, and that 20, mostly are in my class, I was the only Christian in it when I started my school, they have listened to the arguments and lived atheism, but they chose what I had to offer, why because they could have something or

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