
Evidence Based Literature Review

Decent Essays

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the challenges in providing quality care to the elderly. I will conduct an evidenced-based literature review addressing quality improvement initiatives and programs for older adults. Following the literature review, I will describe barriers and solutions of quality programs and initiatives for older adults. Lastly, I will identify the future impact on nursing care of older adults resulting from this experience.
Age-related challenges to providing quality care There are physiological changes that occur within all systems of the elderly. These changes provide challenges to providing quality care. The following is an example from each of the systems. The integumentary system has a decrease in subcutaneous fat, this increases the potential for decubitus ulcers. The musculoskeletal system has a decrease in bone density, which can contribute to falls. Diminished deep sleep develops due to changes in the neurologic system. This may result in weight fluctuations resulting from changes in appetite. The cardiovascular system causes a decrease in arterial compliance, resulting in increased risk of tachyarrhythmias. The Immune system has a decrease in immune response, resulting in the potential for delayed or incomplete healing. The respiratory system suffers from decreased …show more content…

This allows community-based support systems. Services that are available are transportation, senior centers, counseling, adult day care, health screening and education on health and nutrition. These services are designed to help improve overall health of the older adult (Wacker & Roberto, 2014). The last quality improvement initiative I researched was the improvement in medication management for the geriatric population. The goal is to improve medication management of the older adult by educating doctors, nurses, and pharmacists (Bragg, Warshaw, Meganathan, & Brewer,

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