
Evidence Base Practice Is Essential In Nursing Practice

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Evidence base practice is essential in nursing practice. It incorporates 3 key components which are clinical expertise, patient values, and best research evidence in order to provide the most effective and safe decision making for patient care. Neglecting a key component can affect the accuracy and efficiency of a research. Clinical expertise is based on a clinician’s experience, skill, education level and understanding in a certain area of nursing practice. Patient values can impact evidence base practice depending on their needs, preferences, expectations, values, understanding, and concerns. Best research evidence can be obtained from clinical research with supporting evidence base literature and sound methodologies. Each component will be discussed in further detail and how it links to clinical decision making by registered nurses in order to achieve the best evidence-based practice available. Component 1: Clinical Expertise
Clinical Expertise is an important component in creating evidence-based research (Friesen-Storms, Moser, Loo, Beurskens & Bours, 2015). Clinical expertise is about a clinician’s knowledge, skills, education level and experience in a certain area that can be used to achieve more accurate and reliable scientific evidence and research (Facchiano & Hoffman Snyder, 2012).
Clinical expertise is required to assist with clinical decision making such as identifying what the problem is, locating best evidence research through databases,

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