
Everyday Use Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

When writing a story, the author always puts certain element into the story that will put one thing that represent story, these element helps create meaning and emotion in a story. These elements are call symbolism. Symbols are used to signify the theme of the story or the main idea. In the story, Everyday Use, Written by Alice Walker. Mrs. Walker already had in mind what she wants the symbols to be, the family quilts are her main symbolic of this story. The family quilts represent the family history, but also the quilts show creativity and family bonding as the mother and her two-daughter made those quilts together. The quilts are living history they went through every generation of the family history. The quilts show the family pride and their struggle. The quilts are also showed to be made with creative, the Johnson were not financially …show more content…

Ms. Mansfield made her symbolic a dark and depress one. The fur coat is locked away for a very long time until Miss Brill wants to enjoy it. In a way, Miss Brill want to be that fur coat, as the fur coat is beautiful and love by everyone just like how Miss Brill want to feel. Miss Brill knows she is lonely, she wants to be admire and she wants to be part of something, but can’t find out why she disliked by everyone. Miss Brill called the male and female heroes, “just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old couple had been. They were beautifully dressed; they were in love. The hero and heroine, of course just arrived from his father’s yacht” (128). Miss Brill called them that because she admires them and in a way, wants to be them. At the end of the store Miss Brill puts away the fur coat, when she put away the coat, Ms. Mansfield symbolic Miss Brill faith, as she knows no matter what she does she will always be isolate from the rest of the world. The fur coat was outdated and at the end Miss Brill realized just like the coat she is also

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