
Even The Rat Was White Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Ch.1 and 2 Even the Rat was White
Common components of a reflection paper include:
1. The writer's reaction to the topic (introduction)
2. Feelings associated with that reaction (body)
3. Analysis of why the writer reacted this way (conclusion)
In the chapters, “The Noble Savage” and Science and Brass Instruments and Dark Skins, both chapters have opened up my eyes. Being sociology major, my classes often talk about race and ethnicity often. Being able to listen and read about what has happened in history is quite interesting. It is important to understand what happened and is happening today. To be able to be a part in the sociology department is a privilege. My thoughts on these chapters are to show people what really has happened. I hope one day people …show more content…

It is interesting to know how people’s views and opinions were in the past. If we were to think like that, people would call us crazy. As we all know, having a different color than someone not like you is a big deal. I cannot believe some believed Africans had a special skin layer that turned black birth; women were who had painted their bodies with black paint exerted a prenatal influence on the color of their offspring. That sentence in the book blew me away. I guess if people do not understand, they make assumptions which majority of people still does today. Not only do I feel sympathy for black race, but also the white race. I am from the white race, and it makes me so upset. Just because I am white does not mean I am who the rest of the white people were in the past. I have been told white superioty came into effect is when the Irish were treated poorly. I do not think people understand what happened before race became an issue. Other than that, I cannot believe there were all the different types of devices for the black race and the white race. It irritates me that based on your hair texture, or your lips you are one race. Often times, people have many familiar figures. The comparative

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