
Evaluation Of The Montford Unit Offers Services

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Following this even further, the Montford unit offers services to admitted patients regardless if they are offenders or general medical issues for individuals. The services that are provided is “550 psychiatric beds, a 48 bed general medical and surgical unit, gardens for the Lubbock food bank, housing stables, and roads located on 120 acres of land” (Hills, Siegfried, and Ickowitz, 2004, p. 86). All of these services help offenders because everything is done in house regardless of the issue. They have food, roof of over their head; they can provide assistance to others by helping box up food items for the homeless or low-income families. They could also do nontraditional activities such as “art therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy” (Hills, Siegfried, and Ickowitz, 2004, p. 86). The activities will keep their mind active and thinking constantly. It could even lead to a hobby that can turn into a business. The most important elements to consider for an individual with a mental illness after being released from a mental health care facility is how they reintegrate with their family and receive social support. For example, if the individual is going to live with their family the best thing to do is to assess the families home and living situation, so that the environment is not threatening to them. It will undermine the treatment process and ruin any positive outcomes the individual has done up to this point. In order to supplement the

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