
Evaluation Of A Good Bedside Manner

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A good bedside manner consists, in part, of a doctor having the ability to appropriately empathize with their patients; however, there must also be a balance between physician objectivity and the abilityt to empathize with patients . Empathy can be defined as the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes and trying to imagine what they are going through from their perspective . Empathy is important because ‘How well physicians can put themselves in their patients’ shoes is directly linked with patient satisfaction”(Faherty 1). Doctors are often focused purely on the medical needs of their patients. If a doctor cannot establish a reasonably empathic relationship with the patient from the start, the patient will ultimately pay the …show more content…

After their visit, each patient was asked to fill out a survey that had questions concerning their visit. Questions included, ‘How much did you like this doctor?” and “How connected did you feel to him/her?” Response options followed a 5-point…scale: (1) very little, (2) not very much, (3) somewhat, (4) quite a lot, and (5) very much’(Raket et. al, 1). The average lengths of illness in the different groups were, ‘… 6.51 days in the enhanced group, compared to 6.96 in the standard visit and 6.75 in the no visit group’(Raket et. al, 1). In terms of the amount of empathy that patients perceived from their doctors, the patients in group 3 had the highest measurement. The amount of perceived empathy increased from group 1 to group 2, and from group 2 to group 3. From these findings, it is reasonable to conclude that the amount of empathy that patients perceive from their healthcare providers is positively correlates with the speed at which a patient recovers from illness. Furthermore, in September 2012, another study performed in Italy that was published in The Journal of Academic Medicine investigating if the amount of empathy shown by doctors to patients with diabetes was associated with health complications in these patients.

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