
Evaluating Alice's SMART Goals

Decent Essays

S.M.A.R.T goals are the technique of bringing structure and tackability into planning our goals. Instead of drifting from one point to the other with vague resolutions, SMART goal create a verifiable trajectory, geared towards setting and achieving goals with objective milestones and achievable estimation of goal’s attainability. A truly objective goal must be; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (S.M.A.R.T). In this essay, I will explore what SMART goals are and I will evaluate Alice’s (a college student) goals are with the following objectives in context: (a). Pay off student loan (b.) Buy a house and save for children’s educations (c.) Accumulate assets (d.) Retire (e.) Travel around the world in a sailboat. (Siegel & Yacht, 2009).
Alice’s S.M.A.R.T goal setting: Specific …show more content…

She has to know what exactly she wants to achieve, the more specific she make her descriptions, the bitter the chance of getting a S.M.A.R.T goal setting. Being a fresh graduate with accumulated student load of $53,000 on her shoulder, the best option on the table is to get a job by June 2018. According to Siegel & Yacht (2009). Alice’s disposable income after tax maybe $35, 720,00, factoring other expenses, it is fair to assume that Alice may need extra job to foot her bills and save for medium term objective (buy a house) and retirement

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