
Evaluate The Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

Evaluation: The Allegory of the Cave

According to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we have many theoretical caves in our lives that we might not realize at first glance. Plato, a Greek philosopher from the Philosophical era introduced a new idea promoting the thought of reality and reflection. Theoretical caves are made to withhold us from reality and distract us from truth, somewhat like smoke and mirrors. If you think about it, our lives could be giant caves. Some theoretical caves in our lives could be work or school. We all sit trapped in the same routines, all being displayed by the people in the spotlight. Plato states, “Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light” (Plato). I believe, Plato was on to something more deep than just a simple idea. Let's say one day, your shackles broke and you had the choice to see the light of truth or stay in the dark. Even if the …show more content…

I believe, that school could possibly be one of the caves in our youth's lives. We are all required to go by government laws in order to get a career and to support ourselves as well as our family members. We all progress together with the same educational material given to us by federal people who deem it suitable. We cannot choose classes that we think would help us in our future careers in place of other ones we do not think will help. For example, I a high schooler, am required to take three years of math. I can understand taking a year or two of basic math that i will use everyday, but why do we have to take classes such as calculus, college math or algebra 2. How will that help me in the future career other than being a doctor or a math teacher? I believe, we should have a year or two to take classes and figure out what field to pursue, so we have more intensive focus on that

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