
Euthyphro And Pious Analysis

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First Reading Response
Socrates meets Euthyphro outside of the courthouse and begin discussing the nature of impious and pious acts. Euthyphro claims to be an expert on these matters so he agrees to help Socrates understand piety better. Euthyphro’s first definition is “the pious is to do what I am doing now, to prosecute the wrongdoer, be it about murder.”(5d) Socrates objects to this saying that this would only counts as an instance of piety, and he is more interested in a universal element of all pious acts. Euthyphro elaborates to say that piety is what all the gods love, and impiety is what all the gods hate. (6e) Socrates rebukes that there are matters that some of the gods love, while other gods may hate. Socrates objects saying that gods disagree on issues, and that …show more content…

Euthyphro then offers a third definition; Piety is what all the gods love, and Impiety is what all the gods hate. (9d) Socrates opens up his objection by asking is “the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods?”(10a) This is the premise to his argument about the difference in being loved and loving something. To explain his point further Socrates uses numerous examples of carrying and being carried. To be carried one must first be carrying something. The same goes for verbs that affect others, for instance to be seen one must first be seeing something. The carrying must be going on before something can be called carried. So something is loved when someone is loving it. It cannot be loved before something has loved it. Euthyphro agrees that the pious is being loved by the gods because it is pious. Socrates then looks to the second option of the

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