
Euthanasia In Veterinary Medicine

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The statement "Do no harm," despite its simplicity, has many meanings. As physicians, this statement encompasses our very existence, as it is one of our primary goals when treating patients. In the case of end of life care, the principle of nonmaleficence becomes particularly difficult. To some it may be considered harmful not to exhaust all treatment options, while to others the treatment itself is considered harmful. Ultimately it varies based upon perspective, which is why understanding a patient's values becomes imperative.

There is nothing simple about end of life care. As a former Veterinary Technician, I know this all too well. Technology is a phenomenal tool, yet it cannot tell us when enough is enough. In veterinary medicine end of life care can become especially complex due to the practice of euthanasia. Many pet owners will elect to have their pet euthanized when the patient's suffering is perceived to outweigh the benefit of treatment. While I completely agree with minimizing suffering, there is no scientifically proven answer to tell us how much suffering is too much. Euthanasia is a final decision. It is not something that can be undone, therefore most people want to be certain it is the right choice. The truth is, there is no certainty; we only know when a …show more content…

Often this is interpreted as ensuring their survival, which in most cases is not ridiculous at all. When it comes to end of life care, this becomes much more difficult because there is no clear right or wrong answer. The best answer is likely to work with the patient and understand their perspective, which may not be as simple as it sounds. Patients are likely just as confused as we are when it comes terminal illness. Most individuals would prefer survival; however, when survival is no longer an option, and the treatment induces suffering the principle of nonmaleficence becomes much less

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