
Euthanasia Ethical Dilemma Essay

Decent Essays

The word “euthanasia” comes from the greek, meaning “good death”. The word itself means the act of ending a the life of a person suffering from a terminal illness, and or an incurable disease. In my opinion I go for this ethical dilemma for two reasons, the main reason being to end a loved one’s pain, and or seeing them live an unfulfilled life. The second reason being important because they have the right to make their own choices and don’t have to be forced to stay alive.(S. C)
Assisted suicide was first introduced between 5th century B.C. and 1st century, ancient greeks and the romans tended to support euthanasia. They were tolerant towards infanticide, and suicide before christianity came into the picture. The Hippocratic Oath prohibited doctors or anyone involved in medicine and stated, “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.” Considering that hippocrates wrote this after christianity was introduced, it quickly became an issue. Hippocrates probably didn’t think to consider the patient's rights. The first case that aroused almost everyone's attention towards the conflicts of euthanasia was with Doctor Jack Kevorkian. Kevorkian assisted in patient suicide “sparking increased talk on hospice care and the “right to die” legislative action” …show more content…

Being disabled, having a terminal illness, and not being able to do anything independently is frustrating because you can't live a full comfortable life. Having the option to assisted suicide is comforting if you think about it, you won't go through any pain, you can know how you passed away, and you can prepare yourself and or your family members for when the time comes. If our rights were so important then why can’t we all have our rights pursued and respected among

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