
Euthanasia Controversy

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Euthanasia is one of the most controversial and debatable topics in recent years. In fact, according to a recent poll almost 42% of surveyed supported euthanasia and 37% opposed (Fig 1). A lot of controversy surrounding this issue stems from the fact that euthanasia has been analyzed not only from juridical perspective, whether or not it should be legal, but also from various social, philosophical, religious and personal points of view. The issue seems to be extremely relevant not only because it is related to basic principles of society regarding life and death, but also it affects every person, especially who suffers from a terminal illness. Furthermore, because of a lack of sufficient agreement among scholars in terms of an adequate definition …show more content…

259). Even though the issue of proper definition of euthanasia seems to be debatable, the question of classification of euthanasia seems to be less problematic. In fact, many scholars agree that euthanasia may be classified as voluntary (because of the will), non-voluntary (without specific will), involuntary (against the will) and divided according to active (use of lethal substances) and passive options (termination of treatment) (Rachels, 1978, p. 78). Euthanasia differs also from assisted suicide. The former means to help someone to, the latter means to help a person kill him or …show more content…

In this country only in 1940 70.000 adults was killed and also many children “under three years of age in whom any of the following 'serious hereditary diseases' were 'suspected': idiocy and Down syndrome; microcephaly; hydrocephaly; malformations of all kinds…” (Lifton, 2000, p. 52). At the present time, after different long debates, euthanasia is legalized in Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg; assisted suicide in Switzerland, Germany, Albania, Colombia, Japan and in some US states. Although, euthanasia is in some countries legalized, many questions still exist and those are related to various causes and effects of euthanasia. The most important cause of euthanasia is connected with an experience of hopeless and painful illness (Emanuel, 1994, p. 796). However, the question is if it is possible to overcome various origins of pain in order to kill problem and not a person. Economic arguments regarding euthanasia seem to be, next to pain and suffering, the second most important reasons of euthanasia. According to studies, this is important factors, especially for families, regarding euthanasia (Emanuel, Fairlough, Slutsman, & Emanuel, 2000, p. 453). It seems that this factor is sometimes overrated and it is necessary to find proper solution in order to avoid involuntary euthanasia. In terms of various effects of

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