
Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide

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The world is unfortunately filled with unpleasant things like pain and suffering. As we have mentioned when talking about Hauerwas with similar ideas on different topics and situations, a lot of people have a hard time with not being able to be in control of their life and certain situations in it. They also need some type of purpose of meaning associated with their life. So when it comes to situations like incurable diseases or disorders, this can take a very large toll on them, and can almost make life seem as if it is not worth living anymore. As cruel as it might be, sometimes we as humans just can’t escape this feeling and at some point we have to accept that death is a part of life. I think that for some of those who have terminal illnesses, they view euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide not as murder or suicide, but rather a release from the pain that holds down and a quicker, less painful way to get to the end that will happen anyways. Euthanasia is becoming much more of a hot topic in the news, both here at home in the US, as well as on the global stage with the new Prime Minister of Canada pushing for a law that would allow nationwide physician assisted death. As of now only a few states have legalized physician-assisted suicide in the United States. These include Washington, Vermont, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, and California.
“Euthanasia, however, occurs secretly in all societies including those in which it is held to be immoral and illegal. The core of

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