
Euthanasi The Moral And Ethical Choices Faced By Medical Professionals

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How far reaching are my rights when it comes to making decisions about my own life or the lives of loved ones? Does the medical profession have a say in those same decisions? As societal views change and medical advances rapidly develop, many questions have been raised about our rights as humans to do what we please with our body, specifically in the case of euthanasia. My interest in euthanasia was peaked after watching the movie Me Before You. In the story, a man is paralyzed and decides that he cannot live in that condition any longer so he seeks to end his life by medical means. The movie ultimately makes his decision to end his life look almost beautiful, glorifying those partaking in the act. I found the topic compelling, …show more content…

There are those that support it, stressing that it is our right, not only as American citizens, but also as humans, to do what we deem best for our bodies and health. Others stand highly opposed to it, viewing it to be completely immoral to end a life. Many see both sides of the issue, particularly those who have witnessed loved ones suffering from terminal illness or a debilitating condition. My viewpoint is that morally it is not our place to take life into our own hands and by doing so, we diminish the value God placed on life. I believe that palliative care, focusing on improving quality of life, should be the primary emphasis of medical professionals rather than euthanasia, which can leave the door open for abuse by physicians and family members.
Although there are some who try to take a middle ground, scholars and writers tend to clearly support or oppose euthanasia when addressing the moral aspect of the issue. Those purporting that euthanasia is morally acceptable support their position in a variety of ways. Amelia Mihaela Diaconescu debates in her article “Euthanasia” whether or not it is acceptable to let people suffer and prolong that suffering through their last days. She discusses that due to progress in medicine, a profound number of patients are able to comfortably live longer than they would have a decade ago; however, there are some situations when the treatment of maintaining the patient alive must be interrupted and the patient should

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