
Euthanasi Euthanasia And Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Euthanasia, the practice of medically terminating life in order to relieve pain and suffering of a patient, has been a complex and controversial topic since its conception. In ancient Greece and Rome attitudes toward active euthanasia, and suicide had tended to be tolerant. However, the rise of the Christian faith reinforced the views of the Hippocratic Oath, a swearing of ethical conduct historically taken by physicians. This shift concluded a medical consensus in opposition of euthanasia. Issues such as: government involvement, legalized murder, healthcare spending, and patient suffering are components at the core of the modern euthanasia debate.
Passive euthanasia omits access to medical life sustaining treatment, the process involves extubation, which is the removal of a patient from mechanical ventilation and/or a gastrostomy tube, a tube that delivers nutrition and hydration, therefor allowing the disintegration of the patient’s body and ultimately their death. Active Euthanasia is the practice of injecting a patient with a lethal dose of medication with the primary intention of ending the patient’s life, at the patient’s request. Active euthanasia allows a patient with an extremely debilitating or terminal disease to end their suffering in a dignified manner and is, in many cases, the single most humane option. Examples of case studies and research on the debated consequences of legalized euthanasia will demonstrate the impact it can have on the lives of patients and

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