
Eulogy For Shelters

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“Finally, I’ve instructed Mr. Brookhurst to do one more thing. I know the local animal shelters need volunteers, and the local hospital could use extra help to care for the animals. I am giving one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars to anyone who donates twenty hours per week for one year at either the shelter or the hospital helping with the animals or cleaning up dog poop. Ernest will keep a list of the volunteers. He will make sure that everyone who donates the time will receive the money. Otherwise, they will include the money with the rest of the estate and distributed as I have requested. Please, if anyone is unable to fulfill the commitment, do not volunteer. Upon failure to complete the year, per my instructions they are not to receive …show more content…

When we complete this service, Mr. Brookhurst has something to tell you,” she said, as tears poured down her cheeks, and the DVD went blank. Mr. Brookhurst turned on the …show more content…

“This now concludes Mary Jenkins’ service. Thank you for coming, if you wait a few minutes, I will give you business cards. You can call me anytime to set up the volunteer program.” A few people walked up, stood in front of the casket and viewed Mrs. Jenkins with disdain. “The crazy old bitch,” one of the men shouted from the back of the room before rushing out the door. Ernest overheard this and roared. “She may have been a crazy ole bitch, but there’s a new banker in town, Ernest P Coltrane. The Mason Jar Bank will be expanding.” He laughed and clapped his hands, as they stared at him in amazement and disbelief. Several others walked to the rear of the room and quietly discussed how she was a strange woman, each pledging to be the one who received her estate. Only three people walked out complaining that Mrs. Jenkins probably didn’t have a red cent to leave anyone, even though Mr. Brookhurst disagreed with them. Ernest walked over and stood in front of the casket. After, Henry had said goodnight to the guests he walked up and stood behind Ernest, placing his arm on his

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