
Eulogy For Friend

Decent Essays

Dear 15 year friend, Friendship is treacherous when shared between one boy and one girl. We have lived through this danger for three-quarters of our life; and, I believed we would've continued to live this daring lifestyle had you not grown into a pompous, arrogant, and entitled man. When we first began our journey as five year olds I was excited to have this friend who shared a similar love for laughs and adventures. Sadly we had to part ways for six years when I left for private school after third grade. I forgot about you during this time and didn't imagine you would become so important to me for six more years. High school was kind to us. We shared mission trips, youth leadership responsibilities, proms, birthdays, graduations, adventures through hurricanes, and many movie nights watching poorly filmed features. I believed I had found my friendship soulmate, I never wanted to live life without you again. We eventually had to part ways for college, however, we reassured ourselves that friendships so strong as ours couldn't end or shift to the point it has. …show more content…

I expected to never share a relationship with you for love; however, I was not prepared to lose a best friend. This transition was slow, it began with less texts, snapchats, and phone calls. Over that first summer we failed to spend time with each other, you had traded our time together for more time with this new girl. Then the invitations to family events were taken too, I was become shut out of your life. Because I had held onto your kindness for so long it took me eleven more months to understand you were no longer my friendship soul

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