
Ethnic Stereotyping In Charles H. Cooly's Never Perfect

Decent Essays

In the 20th century the social psychologist Charles H. Cooley developed the idea of a “looking glass self”; this idea claims that people generally value themselves according to what others think about them. There are three fundamental points to this idea: one’s image according to others, one’s own standard of appearance, and how one develops the “self” through other’s judgments.
At the beginning of the documentary, “Never Perfect,” Mai-Anh Tran says that her mother began telling her at a young age that she would be more beautiful with bigger eyes. This criticism resonates in the back of Tran’s mind for years to come. Throughout her life, Tran’s relationship with her mother is severely hindered by her inability to meet this standard of perceived …show more content…

It is common for people in society to assume certain characteristics about a person based solely on their visual appearance. Though it is extremely easy to confuse ethnicities when judging by appearance, it is common for people to make assumptions about people’s culture, habits, and overall livelihood when they assign people to an ethnic category based on their looks without knowing the truth. A major issue with ethnic stereotyping is its ability to influence people to conform to ethnic stigmas. Many people subconsciously adapt to socially-constructed expectations related to ethnicity. This is often caused merely by human nature, in which people usually seek affiliation among their peers and fail to explore alternative ways of …show more content…

She has an entrepreneurial mindset and believes that she would look and feel better if she builds the sort of life that mirrors her internal standard of success and beauty— the “looking glass view”. Tran also believes that she will be more successful if she is viewed as physically attractive by standard of American culture. Her aspirational self is to become independent from her mother. This is why she moves to California to open a shop and immerse herself in a new environment and meet new people. How she conceptually views herself contributes strongly to her decision to undergo cosmetic surgery. Tran’s aspirational self is motivated by her physical appearance; therefore she feels she must change her appearance in order for her to be

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