
Ethics, Utilitarianism, Deontology, And Virtue Ethics

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In South Park, South Park illustrates normative ethics in society and people. The characters and scenarios are well scripted to categorize the three main theories of normative ethics; utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics. The show constantly displays the universal mindsets of multiple people within various situations and how one effects the other and the world. Majority of these scenarios, virtue ethics brings about the best results for those within the South Park community and the main characters. In the following, I will argue why virtue ethics is the most effective theory to always follow of all theories and how always following a utilitarianism and deontology approach can cause conflict within oneself and society. In the 90’s, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and Bryan Garden created South Park. This show has incorporated loads of satire that stands as a reflection of the issues within the world today and how people handle those situations in their own right. Amongst the funny content, there lies an even deeper construction of the show that embarks upon philosophical viewpoints that they’ve given to the characters. Kyle is one of the protagonist characters within the group. He almost always contemplates the consequences of his actions and how those actions will impact those who are connected to the consequence. The situations Kyle faces always bring about the question, what will increase happiness overall? Kyle represent the utilitarianism theory. Stan is another

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