
Ethics In Nursing Essay

Decent Essays

In this paper, I argue that the study of ethics is important in the field of nursing. Critics of my opinion may argue that ethics have little effect to no on the nursing process, since we have a conscience to determine what is just. I claim my critics are mistaken because ethics in nursing goes beyond using your conscience. When I become a registered nurse, the study of ethics will help me make mindful decisions during patient interaction, which can decrease the risk of legal implications and foster a dual comfort zone.
Starting from a patient’s admission, up until their discharge, the study of ethics enables a nurse to be mindful when making decisions, in order to lessen the risk of legal consequences. What may look like a simple situation …show more content…

When nurses become mindful of how their decisions will impact their interaction with a patient, they will be able to promote comfort while doing so. When nurses have to assess the private body parts of an individual, they need to gain consent prior in doing so (Griffith 2015). Since nurses are healthcare professionals, they hold knowledge to determine when it’s appropriate to conduct such private examinations; however, a patient may be clueless of what and why it is necessary. You must inform patients of what the examination is for, how will you conduct it and how it will improve their quality of life. In turn, the patient will become less anxious, because he/she understands it is to their benefit. In Wilkins (2013) case study, a patient’s comfort zone is violated, when a doctor pursues a pelvic examination, despite the patient complaining of pain from it. Even though the doctor is motivated to diagnose the illness, he/she should have stopped when the patient experienced discomfort, and asked her if she would want to continue. The same goes for nurses, because they too engage in bodily examinations. In turn, this is why the study of ethics is valuable in nursing because it enables nurses to become mindful of their actions, realizing that patients have high regard to their personal space, and by being courteous, you are giving them

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